Thursday 1 February 2024

Challenge #110 - Use embossing - Winners

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in with our last challenge. We had a great time visiting your blogs and seeing your creations.

I am so pleased to be able to announce the Winners

So here we go.......

The Random Winner is 

# 45 Nancy E

The Chosen Winner is
  # 7 Spanish Crafter

Congratulations to you both

Once again this was hard to choose, as we had lovely entries, but we have chosen the following 3 top spots and in entry number order they are ......

#5 Nicole G  

#20 Bonnie Lynn 

#36 Crafty Den 

Please grab your badges from the Sidebar to display on your blog!

Well done to everyone.  

There will be a new challenge starting later today to play along!

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